Young girl using sign language

Frequently asked questions

Scroll down to see answers to things we get asked a lot. If you're looking for something specific, enter or choose a keyword below.

How do I make a gift contribution online?
To contribute online, first make sure the recipient has set up their gifting page. Then, use their gifting page link to fill out the fields as directed — it’s the usual information like your name, address, the amount you want to contribute, how you’ll fund the contribution, and the occasion for... Read more
How will I know if I’ve received gifts?
When a gift contribution has finished processing, you’ll get an email letting you know someone contributed to your account. All processed gift contributions will also appear in your activity feed. Please keep in mind, any gift contributions made through an online gifting page will not be available... Read more
Are gift-givers charged a fee when they contribute through my page?

There is no fee for transfers from a bank account (ACH). 

What happens if I no longer want to have an online gifting page for my account?
No problem. You can delete it anytime you want, and the contributions that have previously been gifted (including pending contributions) will stay in the account. Just sign into your account, go to the Overview tab, and click on the gifting module. Select “Edit this page” and then click “Delete... Read more
Who can send me gifts?

Once you’ve set up your gifting page, anyone who has a link can contribute towards your goal.

Gift contributions do count toward your yearly contribution limit. So, if you’ve already reached the limit, your page will remain public, but no one can contribute again until next year.

How do I set up my gifting page?
To create a gifting page:  Sign in: Click the gifting link on your account overview page.  Choose what people see: Select whether or not you want to share the progress you’ve made toward your gifting limit.  Review & Publish: Get a preview of what it will look like when someone visits your... Read more
How do gifting limits work?
Gift contributions count toward your shared contribution limit for the year. Friends and family will be prevented from making gift contributions that go beyond the gifting limit you set, but gift contributions could also be capped by contributions you make. For example, if your gifting limit is set... Read more
Who can contribute to my account?

Anyone can make contributions to your account to help you reach your goals. Learn more about how to make a gift contribution.

Learn more about how to make a gift contribution